#2 Arduino tutorial blinking LED | amazing mj |

This is the first tutorial of my arduino series videos.

I briefly explain about arduino,
Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical and digital world.

That means Arduino contain one type of integrated circuit that is programmed by user for any type of work.

Let's move on to the #1st tutorial :-

"Blink LED by one second on and one second off"

Blinking LED is the basic program for the arduino language same as "hello world!" is the basic program of the C language.

arduino has some pins which is digital, analog and power pins.

The number of pins varies with arduino boards like arduino mega, arduino uno ,arduino nano and many more....

Digital pins contain only two value 0 and 1.

Analog pins have any value with respect to arduino.(analog pin have some value at every instant of time)

And power pin like +ve ( 5 and 3.3 volt) , ground pin (gnd)  and Vin.

(In this tutorial we connect LED to the digital pin 13 which has inbuilt resistor so we can not connect external one. )

Components :-
Arduino board

Circuit Diagram :-

Code :-

//#1 tutorial amazing mj
 void setup()

void loop()

Also you can Watch the video on YouTube .
